Book Domain-Driven Design Quickly is good resource to get consistent and short explanation to DDD.

I was doing my presentation on DDD and was looking for some source to build presentation quickly. And this book is such source.

I already read Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns by by Jimmy Nilsson and almost read Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans after that reading of this book was so much enjoyable and quick (I read it for 3 hours and English is not my native language.)

This book is quick readable summary of Eric Evan’s Domain-Driven Design. And it helps to refresh your memory if you already read that book. But if not:

You could read this book to get a good vision of what is Domain-Driven Design in very short term. If wiki or quick google search doesn’t satisfy you and you have not time for big books, this book is exactly what you need. Enjoy it.